Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Meaning of Life

                        1. Q:  In order of i how would  you rank : happiness , money , love, health, fame ?  
                                 1.A:  LOVE,  HAPPINES , MONEY , HEALH , FAME,
                                                          2.What worth the pain.
                                              2. A:   burning  down every school ,  killing every person i dont like
                                                                      torcher teachers.

                                                3.Q:   What is the biggest motivator in life right now
                                                     3.A:    I let these haters be my motivators

                                                          4.Q  What are you naturally good at

                                                               4.A:  FOOTBALL

                                                             5 .Q:  Whats been bothering you lately

                                                            5.A: EVERY BODY IN THIS WHOLE ENTIER SCHOOL